Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Not eating or drinking on the day of weigh ins?

A gentlemen from The Biggest Loser program asked me if he could speak with me this morning about a concern he had. Of course I always want to know ANY concerns someone might have about our program, facility, whatever it may be!

On Sunday at our weigh-in someone suggested to me that we go ahead and get our weigh-ins "over with" because he had heard that some of our participants had not had anything to eat OR drink the entire day! Mind you, we meet at 5:00pm! I then "casually" mentioned this to the group and we proceeded with the weigh-ins not thinking too much about it.

Well, I am glad it was brought to my attention because although I was rather "flippant" about it on Sunday I never meant to give that impression because we ARE NOT at all flippant in regards to NOT eating or NOT drinking EVER! It is not condoned by us and never will be. Period! In fact, our program teaches each individual the importance of eating on a very regular and frequent basis.

Folk's, this program IS intended to teach our participants how to eat and workout for LIFE, not for just 12 weeks. To quote one of our trainers to her team...

"I am competitive and I like to win, BUT if you walk out of the program at the end of 12 weeks and gain it all back, then I haven't won anything!"
Karen Campbell


  1. Thanks for this information, it is information that we all need. I do think that most of us think that if we skip eating we will lose weight, which is the furtherest thing from the truth. I wish you would post this on the bulletin board in the gym so all of us can see it, even those that don't go on the blog to read what is posted. Thanks for all you do for us.

  2. Karen I love what you said here, your statement makes so much sense, because if the weight loss tactics are not done right, nobody wins. You are such a positive person, Fulton says very similar things to us. You two are very positive and motivational people. Be Blessed.

  3. I agree 100% Karen! This about members learning how to eat, how to exercise and keep it off, be healthy and happy.....not about winning a competition. It's always great to win awesome prizes, but the real prize should be the "new" you...the happy, healthy, more confident YOU!!!
