Thursday, March 10, 2011

Great thought...Is "obesity" contagious and visa versa is a "healthy lifestyle" contagious?

Joe Moore: If Obesity is Contagious, is a Healthy Lifestyle?

IHRSA (International Health, Raquet and Sports Association) President and CEO Joe Moore responds in the Boston Herald to a recent Harvard study that suggests obesity is contagious. Moore's argument: If obesity is a social epidemic, can a healthy lifestyle spread through the societal ranks, too?

Obesity, argues Moore, is more than just an unpleasant fact of life:

"...our collective complacency about the impact that sedentary lifestyles and poor food choices have on our health must end. Obesity is a chronic disease. It destroys lives. And it kills.

Harvard’s findings may be true. But if each of us acts, individually and together, we can break the social cycle of obesity and right the course of America’s health."

You can read the entire Op-Ed at

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