Thursday, March 31, 2011

Feedback regarding the Finale of TBL

These are the comments I have gotten so far regarding the finale on April 17:

"I would love to hear from the participants that have done TBL more than once. we have some that have done it 3 & 4 times - What keeps them coming back - What have they accomplished? We always hear from the coach's. Let's hear from the rest of them."

"I say take the photos, let teams weigh in when they get there, let the coach's share about their teams' highs and lows, give out awards..."

"I think we should spend time with the participants sharing the take-aways from their journey. What's going to keep them motivated beyond TBL?"

"Love the idea of letting the "Losers" talk a bit too! Though I am always glad to give accolades to my team members and speak on their behalf."

"I think it would be great for 1 or 2 people off of each team get up and talk about their positive experience with TBL."

So as you can see, it looks like the vote is to not only hear the coach's speak a few words but also have TBL's speak as well! I LOVE that idea!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Biggest Loser Finale

With just a little over 2 weeks left until our final weigh in I am having a hard time deciding if we should do another challenge OR do we want to spend the time recognizing all the teams, accomplishments, struggles, hurdles, etc. Hmmmmm. Any ideas or feedback from The Biggest Losers???

Of course we will have weigh ins and will recognize the top 10 participants with the greatest weight loss percentage, the TEAM with the greatest weight loss percentage AND the top 3 participants with the greatest total weigh lost. We will also take "after" photos to post in the gym lobby!

What would you guys like to see on our final day on April 17th??

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Minor change to the "6-Week Program"

We decided to offer one night time class for the 6 week program instead of two because the "night" teams were pretty light with this current Biggest Loser program. For now, we will only offer the Tu/Th, 5:30pm - 6:30pm class. If the demand is such, we will add M/W back as well!

The trainers are as follows:

M/W  5:30am - 6:30am  Patrick
T/TH  5:30am - 6:30am  Suzi
T/TH  10:30am - 11:30am Andrea & Kathy
T/TH  5:30pm - 6:30pm  Fulton

Again, the days and times are subject to change based on demand.

Visit HHAC's front counter or call to sign up! 776.8780

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The O Run

Congratulations to Paige Edwards (Purple Team Trainer), Brennen Long (Red Team Trainer), Lee Robinson and Elizabeth Brewer for finishing The O Run in Florence yesterday. Paige described it like the Mud Run...a 4-mile obstacle course but without the mud! Good job Ladies!! 

6-Week Program after to everyone!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Less than 4 weeks to go!

Well, there is less than 4 weeks to go with our 5th edition of The Biggest Loser and I can't wait to see the final results!

I got a great suggestion from one our participants! She asked if we could award the top 3 for overall weight lost. (She even offered to help compensate for the awards!!) I think that is a great idea because many times someone will lose A LOT of weight but because he or she weighed a great deal more to begin with it is often hard to impossible to win based on weight loss percentage. Now, Billy Smith on the black team has lost 60 plus pounds and was the 2nd Biggest Loser at our last weigh in based on weight loss percentage BUT again, there are great losses and often that person never gets recognized. At our final weigh in on April 17, we will award and honor our top 3 greatest weight loss people! Thanks for the suggestion!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Results from our 2nd weigh in and challenge!

Wow! How great was last night!!!

We started the evening with the weigh ins and then followed with our challenge. The challenge was pretty much what the group expected but with a slightly different twist. As most of you know, Hampton Hill Athletic Club sits on the top of "Hampton Hill." With our 4 previous editions of The Biggest Loser the teams were sent on a 2-mile loop around The Shoppes at Woodhill, down Pelham Road until it runs into Rosewood. A right turn is made on Rosewood and then another right sending you straight up Garners Ferry, ending with a right turn back into The Shoppes at Woodhill parking lot. This time, we divided each of the eight teams in half. One half goes the "normal" way and the other half runs it "backwards." The trainers and participants decided who goes which way. Well, I think many thought..."If I run it backwards I can avoid that ginormous hill!" Well, the group that ran it backwards found out that the last 3/4 of a mile is a gradual incline all the way to the finish line! Both are challenging in different ways!

And by the way, the first and second place finishers were a husband and wife team that ran opposite directions! (Chris and Jessica Daly) How about that!?! Also, the group as a whole had the fastest finishing times than our previous Biggest Loser programs! Everyone finished under 31 minutes! That is fantastic!!!

Finally, came the results of the weigh ins! Remember is has been 8 weeks since we started the program and we still have 4 weeks to go!

Everyone should be proud of their accomplishments! The total weight loss so far is 1,180 pounds!!! 

Top 10 Biggest Losers...

10.  Christine Koutrakos  13.10%
  9.  Fran McFall  13.4%
  8.  Sheryl McAlister  13.5%
  7.  Scarlette Harbkersman  13.86%
  6.  Rakale Smith  13.89%
  5.  Krista DeLong  14.77%
  4.  Inga Borkowski  14.78%
  3.  Chris Daly  15.10%
  2.  Billy Smith  18.30%
  #1. JENNIE LEE 19.2%

Great job to all of our Biggest Losers!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tomorrow is the 2nd weigh in and challenge for TBL!

Wow! Today is a beautiful day to be outside!

Are our Biggest Losers outside exercising today? Did anyone do 8:15 spin this morning or  do another class in one of our other 2 group exercise studios? Whatever they are doing today, tomorrow is our 2nd weigh in and challenge for The Biggest Loser at Hampton Hill!

Tomorrow is the 8-week mark of the program and I can't wait to see how much weight has been lost once again! 4 weeks ago our Biggest Loser had lost over 8% of her total body weight! Will we hit 14% this time? 15% or even 16%?? We will see!

As for the challenge tomorrow...the group can expect to be outside but things will change a bit compared to what they are used to. Also, the weather will be approximately 20 degrees colder than today. 66 degrees is still nice BUT we may see some rain from what "Ben" (tanner) is reporting. Rain or shine it's a GO! We won't melt!!!

Come join us at 5:00pm tomorrow!!!

Stay tuned for the latest update on our 5th edition of The Biggest Loser!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2nd weigh in and challenge is this Sunday!

Well, this Sunday will be 8 weeks since we started our 5th edition of The Biggest Loser at Hampton Hill! The teams have been working hard and are ready to go!!!

As most of our past and present Biggest Loser's know, for our 2nd challenge we usually run the 2-mile loop around Hampton Hill. I have had so many people ask me if that will be the challenge once again on THIS Sunday. Well, maybe or maybe not. May be the same or not so much. Will they do the challenge with their teams as they know them or will they be different again? Hmmmmmm....

Let's put it this way, they can expect to run but not necessarily the way they are used to!

Come out on Sunday at 5:00pm to watch or even join us!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Great thought...Is "obesity" contagious and visa versa is a "healthy lifestyle" contagious?

Joe Moore: If Obesity is Contagious, is a Healthy Lifestyle?

IHRSA (International Health, Raquet and Sports Association) President and CEO Joe Moore responds in the Boston Herald to a recent Harvard study that suggests obesity is contagious. Moore's argument: If obesity is a social epidemic, can a healthy lifestyle spread through the societal ranks, too?

Obesity, argues Moore, is more than just an unpleasant fact of life:

"...our collective complacency about the impact that sedentary lifestyles and poor food choices have on our health must end. Obesity is a chronic disease. It destroys lives. And it kills.

Harvard’s findings may be true. But if each of us acts, individually and together, we can break the social cycle of obesity and right the course of America’s health."

You can read the entire Op-Ed at

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What's happens after April 17?

Those of you that are participating in our 5th edition of TBL knows that it ends on Sunday April 17 at our last weigh in. AND as you know, our goal is to teach you a new lifestyle that incorporates healthy eating and exercise for LIFE.

However, many of our participants want something after the program. Something to continue on, if you will, with their journey. Whether it is a "boot camp" style class, a class to lose some additional weight, a class for the sake of "accountability", whatever the reason is, we have been asked to continue something in between our Biggest Loser programs. Some have moved on past The Biggest Loser and ONLY train in a continuing education type group class.

That being said, I am throwing around some ideas and want to get your thoughts and feedback...There will be 18 weeks between our 5th and 6th Biggest Loser programs and this is what I am thinking so far. (Obviously these are just "thoughts" right now to get feedback)

  1.  The Just-in-Time-for-Summer Plan: 6 week program . April 18 - May 27 . meet 2 times per week . (days, times and trainers to be determined) This will start the week right after our final weigh in on the 17th in order to get 6 weeks in before Memorial Day. Cost: $225 members, $275 non members
  2. The Burning Up the Summer Plan: 12 week program . April 25 - July 15 . meet 2 times per week. (days, times and trainers to be determined) There will be one week off after our last weigh in before starting the next 12 weeks. Costs: members - $350 members - $475 non members
  3. The Bring it on! Plan: 18 week program . April 25th - August 26 . meet 2 times per week. (days, time and trainers to be determined) There will be one week off after our final weigh in and run through the Friday before the 6th edition of TBL starts. Cost: $550 members, $700 non members
These programs will be taught by our Biggest Loser trainers and will be much of the same of what you have been doing over the past weeks with your current trainer and team mates. However, all trainers are different and offer various methods and ideas concerning nutrition and training. Although we are all on the same page with the general information it is nice to get different points of view, ideas, etc... 

We will open this up to the entire club but please let me know your feedback as far as interest level, times, days, etc.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Is it time for new running shoes?

Question: When Should I Replace My Running Shoes?

How do I know when to replace my running shoes?

Answer: Running in old or worn-out shoes is one of the most common causes of running injuries. Your running shoes lose shock absorption, cushioning and stability over time. Continuing to run in worn-out running shoes increases the stress and impact on your legs and joints, which can lead to overuse injuries. The easiest thing you can do to prevent those types of injuries is replace your running shoes when they're worn-out.

So how do you know when shoes need to be retired? Don't use the treads of your running shoes to determine whether you should replace your shoes. The mid sole, which provides the cushioning and stability, usually breaks down before the bottom shows major signs of wear. If you've been feeling muscle fatigue, shin splints, or some pain in your joints -- especially your knees -- you may be wearing running shoes that no longer have adequate cushioning.

A good rule of thumb is to replace your running shoes every 300 to 400 miles, depending on your running style, body weight, and the surface on which you run. Smaller runners can get new running shoes at the upper end of the recommendation, while heavier runners should consider replacement shoes closer to the 300 mile mark. If you run on rough roads, you'll need to replace your running shoes sooner than if you primarily run on a treadmill.

FOR ALL BIGGEST LOSERS...Don't forget that a %15 off coupon to Strictly Running was put in your bags at our first meeting and weigh in. Strictly Running is conveniently located in 5-points and they can help "fit" you with a proper pair of shoes.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dont get me started on "not eating!"

I forgot to mention in my last post the damage that is done when you don't eat. I don't care if it is just for one day! This STILL happens!

As you have learned, the most effective way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than you expend, creating a calorie deficit. But if your calorie intake dips too low your body could go into starvation mode. Your body will start to store fat because it thinks it is not going to get anything. In time, you will be at a point where your body is kind of at a standstill.

When your body goes into starvation mode, your metabolism slows to a crawl, burning calories as slowly as possible to conserve its energy stores. This is why people who cut their calories too much may reach a plateau and stop losing weight.

Eating too few calories can be the start of a vicious cycle that causes diet distress. When you cut your calories so low that your metabolism slows and you stop losing weight, you probably will become frustrated that your efforts are not paying off. This can lead you to overeat and ultimately gain weight...AGAIN!

Not eating or drinking on the day of weigh ins?

A gentlemen from The Biggest Loser program asked me if he could speak with me this morning about a concern he had. Of course I always want to know ANY concerns someone might have about our program, facility, whatever it may be!

On Sunday at our weigh-in someone suggested to me that we go ahead and get our weigh-ins "over with" because he had heard that some of our participants had not had anything to eat OR drink the entire day! Mind you, we meet at 5:00pm! I then "casually" mentioned this to the group and we proceeded with the weigh-ins not thinking too much about it.

Well, I am glad it was brought to my attention because although I was rather "flippant" about it on Sunday I never meant to give that impression because we ARE NOT at all flippant in regards to NOT eating or NOT drinking EVER! It is not condoned by us and never will be. Period! In fact, our program teaches each individual the importance of eating on a very regular and frequent basis.

Folk's, this program IS intended to teach our participants how to eat and workout for LIFE, not for just 12 weeks. To quote one of our trainers to her team...

"I am competitive and I like to win, BUT if you walk out of the program at the end of 12 weeks and gain it all back, then I haven't won anything!"
Karen Campbell